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February 3rd, 12:00:  Music Committee Meeting in Doers of the Word class.
February 3rd, 9:00- Rice Bowl Winners Breakfast
February 3rd,10th,17th& 24th, 7:00- Financial Peace University
February 3rd, 4:45 Trek; 6:00 Youth Super Bowl Party
February 5th, 7:00-Deacons Meeting
February 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th, 9:00- Morning Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
February 6th, 6:30- Missions Night for all ages
February 9th, 10:00-12:00 Women's Spa Day at Paul Mitchell in Fayetteville
February 10th, 12:00- Senior Adult Dinner
February 12th, 10:00- Happy Travelers
February 14th & 28th, 12:30-3:00- Antioch Quilting Ladies
February 17th, 3:00- Special Needs Ministry Meeting
February 17th, 11:50- Baptism of Donna Rothermund and Mary Grady
February 19th, 5:50 Meal, 6:50 Program- Baptist on Mission Conference, Piney Grove Chapel Baptist, Angier; RSVP for meal with Antioch church office.
February 20th, 6:30- Church Conference
February 21st, 6:30- MOPS & MOMSNext
February 23rd, 12:00- Preteen Outing to Lego Movie
February 24th, 12:00- Hortense Parker Birthday Covered Dish Party
February 24th, 3:00-Caswell pre-camp Meeting
February 24th: Passport Deposits Due